Descubre tu verdad interior

Soy Alejandra Bastidas, escritora dedicada a la expansión de la conciencia. Mi primer libro, 'En busca de tu verdad', te guiará en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y transformación personal.

Sobre mi trayectoria
Mi misión contigo

A través de mis escritos, busco inspirar a otros a explorar su propia verdad y a expandir su conciencia. Cada palabra está diseñada para resonar y provocar un cambio positivo en tu vida.



You didn’t come this far to stop

Reseñas Libros

Descubre lo que piensan los lectores sobre mi primer libro.

Este libro me ayudó a comprender mejor mi propia verdad y expansión.

María López
A collection of various books arranged vertically on a white shelf, including titles related to mindfulness, personal development, and self-help. The books have colorful spines and varying thicknesses, creating a visually interesting display.
A collection of various books arranged vertically on a white shelf, including titles related to mindfulness, personal development, and self-help. The books have colorful spines and varying thicknesses, creating a visually interesting display.


Un viaje transformador que invita a la reflexión y al autoconocimiento profundo. Recomiendo este libro a todos los que buscan su verdad interior.

A black hardcover book with white text on the cover is placed on a wooden table. A light gray table runner with striped edges lies underneath the book. The book's cover reads, 'Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.' The image also features the corner of a patterned rug in the background.
A black hardcover book with white text on the cover is placed on a wooden table. A light gray table runner with striped edges lies underneath the book. The book's cover reads, 'Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.' The image also features the corner of a patterned rug in the background.
Juan Pérez

